These new knee/cuff protectors are a new inexpensive way to make your knee bars more comfortable especially in the summer time when you are wearing shorts or for you girls a skirt. They prevent the rubbing of the strap on the back of your knee after hrs of use. The new knee/cuff protector also tightens up the feel of your knee bars without using extra foam padding and tape. Take a look at them here http://www.allstilts.com/product/Knee%20cuffprotector%20for%20knee%20bar they are available in Canada from there . In the USA you can get them herehttp://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280471864702&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT .They fit all adult models of jumping stilts that includes poweriser,powerizer,powerskip,powerstrider,airtrekkers,pro jump,jolly jumper,7league boots,upwing,flyjumper,skyrunner and all other brands. Try them out yourself they are a great way to get more comfort and longer use on your jumping stilts.