There is quite a difference in the CZ0834 SERIES

There is quite a difference in the CZ0834 SERIES
compared to the older M-series models. Firstly the
feet on the the M-series jumping stilts are joined at
a pivot point at the top of the foot plate and the bottom of the foot rest bar this doesn't let you use the entire length of the spring.The CZ0834 http://www.allstilts.com/aluminum-flyjumper-cz0834-jumping-stilts has the foot plate attached directly to the bottom of the spring allowing the user to use the entire length of the spring. Also the
foot rest bar is directly attached to the new carbon fiber spring this allows less resistance. The new advanced carbon fiber spring is much stiffer than
its predecessor with this new spring I think if you are not a professional at jumping you should buy your cz0834 stilts at least one weight down from your weight I use an 80kg spring and I am 100kgs.Thats different than the M-series http://www.allstilts.com/product/MB%20Flyjumper because people tend to go up a weight.This is also true of the new kids model the 30 kg model will do up to 100 lbs and the 40kg model will do the rest. Adult could use the 50-60 kg models. They also have a new locking bracket for quick adjusting of the knee bar or cuff witchever you prefer. Both are available at http://www.allstilts.com/ This is a link i found of a video that shows how to make tire socks to extend the life of your rubber pads or hooves.